Question: is there some kind of Looney Tunes conspiracy going on? Why can't I find Bugs Bunny on TV anymore?

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see Tom & Jerry getting their exposure on CN, and Tex Avery is still getting the occasional bump.... but where the hell is Bugs and the rest of the legitimate Looney Tunes gang???
I don't mean the airbrushed, Phone-Service-hawking, Space Jamming, Sunglass-wearing, Back in Action celebrity spokesman hipster Bugs, or the eyelash-endowed, watered-down 1970s Chuck Jones Bugs (no disprespect Chuck, you created many respectable cartoons before going into loop mode), or the warmed-over Christmas Special Bugs...

Surfing... really???

I am talking about the aimless 1940s & 50s wascal with nothing to his name but a well-hidden carrot and the indomitable will to weed out and humiliate a-holes (and the occasional misguided dog) with painful, mind-boggling Testicular Brooklyn Magic.
I have a son who is at a very tender and impressionable age, and he's not getting enough Bugs Bunny in his viewing diet. I believe in educational TV, but you have to round it out with a few hammers to the head... and the 3 Stooges just doesn't deliver on the waterfall of animated Pain Stars. Storyboard-driven animation needs to make up at least 30% of your cartoon diet.

Is WB trying to drive up DVD sales or something? I mean, do what you gotta do to stay in business, but give us our Bugs Bunny man. It saddens me to know that an entire generation's only memory of Bugs Bunny is the rabbit who used to sell sneakers with that basketball player guy. Few characters have ever been so cheaply exploited... although I do recall standing in the middle of Rite Aid when Phantom Menace came out and being incapable of finding a single stoner-friendly product without Jar Jar on it. But I digress.

Give us back our Looney Tunes, WB. And don't try to pass that Roadrunner loop off on me (one really amazing cartoon that was remade verbatim 150 times), or any of that Teleplay-format 70s Daffy & Speedy garbage either (sorry Friz, I don't blame you - RIP brother).

Crank up the projector and lets see some of the classics. I need to watch some fat opera singer have alum poured down his throat and turn blood red.
1 comment:
You're right, I hadn't noticed he had gone missing from network TV. I know he can be found in youtube, though. Thank [insert your divinity of choice here] for youtube!
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