Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hmm.. where have I seen that one before?

I'm getting around to this one a little late, but...

I thought perhaps you might like to see this editorial cartoon by Jeff Stahler of the Columbus Dispatch, released on Obama's Inauguration day - January 20, 2009:

Pretty cool idea, Obama in the Lincoln Memorial, sharing a fist bump with the great emancipator, a fellow Illinois Congressman-turned-president. I thought so too when I drew this one on Election night, two and a half months earlier:

Now, I ain't got no high-falootin' "paying job" at no fancy newspaper, but I thought this one was worth printing... despite my clearly inferior illustration skills. That's why I sent it out to every publication I could think of in hopes that someone would break all protocols and print the damn thing.

To be fair, I'm sure Mr. Stahler never saw my cartoon, or any of my work (which puts him in good company). Also, it is his job to come up with several ideas a week worthy of printing... while this was merely the result of random inspiration for me. Who would roll the dice on an editorial one-hit-wonder?

Still, I reserve the right to be irrationally pissed off about it. What else can I do? I have nothing else to bitch about.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go with your gut! You should have posted it! I want to see your version!!!